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temperature为小学词汇   词频:1639


temper=to moderate(节制;调节)


/'temprətʃə(r); [US] 'tempərtʃʊər; `tɛmpɚ-,tʃur/
1 [C, U] degree of heat or cold (in a body, room, country, etc) 温度; 体温; 室温; 气温
*keep the house at an even temperature 保持房内恒温
* heat the oven to a temperature of 200C 使烤箱的温度升至200摄氏度
* Some places have had temperatures in the 90's, ie over
90 Fahrenheit. 有些地方的温度超过90华氏度.
* a climate without extremes of temperature 气温不特别高也不特别低的气候. =>App 4,
5 见附录4、5.
2 (idm 习语) get/have/run a `temperature get/have an abnormally high temperature of the body 体温过高;发烧. raise the temperature => raise. take sb's `temperature measure the temperature of sb's body with a thermometer (以温度计)量某人的体温; 试体温
*The nurse took the temperatures of all the patients. 那位护士为所有的病人量了体温.


[Date: 1400-1500; Language: Latin;Origin: temperatura 'mixture', from temperare; TEMPER2]
[U and C]
a measure of how hot or cold a place or thing is
temperature of
 The temperature of the water was just right for swimming.
 Water boils at a temperature of 100°C.
 The seeds should be stored at low temperatures .
 a gradual rise in ocean temperatures
 It took me a few days to become accustomed to the change in temperature .
 In summer, the temperature can rise to 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
 The temperature in New York dropped to minus 10° last night.
 The refrigerator keeps your food at a constant temperature .
 Red wine should be served at room temperature .
 Exercise raises your body temperature .
 The sun beat down and temperatures soared into the 30s.
sb's temperature
the temperature of your body, especially used as a measure of whether you are sick or not
 The nurse took (=measured) my temperature .
have a temperaturealsobe running a temperature
to have a body temperature that is higher than normal, especially because you are sick
 Susie has a temperature and has gone to bed.
the temperature of a situation is the way people are reacting, for example whether they are behaving angrily or calmly
 The referee's decision to give a penalty raised the temperarure of the match.
COLLOCATES for sense 1
at a temperature of something
high temperature
low temperature
a rise in temperature
a fall/drop in temperature
a temperature change/a change in temperature
the temperature rises/goes up (=it gets warmer)
the temperature falls/drops/goes down (=it gets colder)
a constant temperature (=one that does not change much)
room temperature (=neither hot nor cold)
air/water/body temperature (=how hot or cold the air, water, or someone's body is)
temperatures soar (=the weather becomes very hot)

1. Wow, Jean, you have a temperature of almost 39 degrees centigrade .
    哇, 琴, 你体温几乎摄氏39度.

2. There is an appreciable drop in the temperature.

3. This wine cellar stays at an even temperature all year round.

4. The temperature today is seventy degrees Fahrenheit.

5. The graph shows the fluctuation of the temperature at each hour.

6. The graph shows the fluctuation of the temperature at each hour.

7. The animal´s temperature drops to just over zero centigrade, and its heart beats very slowly.
    动物的体温降到刚好在零摄氏度以上, 心脏跳动非常缓慢.

8. The temperature drops to-30°and very few people attempt to cross the Pass.

9. They can survive in this region of little water, little shade, and high day-time temperature.

10. Does he have a temperature, doctor?
