

美音:[θrʌst ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[θrʌst ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.插,戳,刺,推力,猛推,口头攻击 vt.力推,冲,插入,挤进,刺,戳,强加,延伸 vi.插入,刺,戳,延伸,强行推进


thrust为短语/超纲词汇   词频:5745


形容词:thrustful 名词:thruster 动词过去式:thrust 过去分词:thrust 现在分词:thrusting 第三人称单数:thrusts


trud,trus=to thrust,to push(插入)

近义词, 同义词

impulse  impulsion  impetus  momentum  push  thrust  shove  jog  jolt  brunt  boost  propulsion  percussion  concussion  collision  clash  encounter  shock  crash  bump  impact  elan  charge  attackgive an impetus  impel  compel  propel  push  start  drive  urge  boom  thrust  prod  elbow  shoulder  jostle  hustle  hurtle  shove  jog      


bear  drive  goad  press  prod  propel  push  ram  shove    


/θrʌst; θrʌst/
v (pt, pp thrust)
1 [I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] push (sth/sb/oneself) suddenly or violently 猛然或用力推(某物[某人]); (自己)向前挤
*a thrusting (ie aggressive) young salesman 有闯劲的年轻推销员
* He thrust (his way) through the crowd. 他从人群中挤了过去.
* thrust a tip into the waiter's hand 把小费塞在服务员手里
* (fig 比喻) My objections were thrust aside, ie dismissed. 我提出的异议被置之一旁.
* She tends to thrust herself forward too much, ie to be too self-assertive or ambitious. 她这个人太好强.
2 [Ipr, Tn.pr] ~ at sb (with sth)/~ sth at sb make a forward stroke at sb with (a sword, etc) 用(剑等)向某人刺去
*The mugger thrust at his victim with a knife. 抢劫者用刀子向受害人刺去.
* thrust one's bayonet at the enemy 用刺刀刺敌人.
3 (phr v) thrust sth/sb on/upon sb force sb to accept sth/sb or to undertake sth 迫使某人同意(做)某事、接受某物或接待某人
*Some men have greatness thrust upon them, ie become famous without wishing or tryingto be. 有些人成名是环境造就的.
* She is rather annoyed at having three extra guests suddenly thrust on her. 因为突然多来了三个不速之客要接待, 她心里直冒火.

1 [C]
(a) act or movement of thrusting 推; 插; 挤; 刺; 戳
*killed by a bayonet thrust 被刺刀刺死.
(b) strong attack in war or in a contest (战争或比赛中的)猛攻
*a deep thrust into the opponent's territory 深入对手范围内的猛攻.
(c) (fig 比喻) hostile remark aimed atsb 对某人的抨击
*a speech full of thrusts at the government对政府大加挞伐的演说.
2 [U] forward force produced by a propeller, jet engine, rocket, etc (推进器、喷气发动机、火箭等的)推力.
3 [U] (architecture 建) stress or pressure between neighbouring parts of a structure (eg an arch) 压力; 推力.
4 [U] ~ (of sth) main point or theme (of remarks, etc); gist (言语、评论等的)要点, 主题, 要旨
*What was the thrust of his argument? 他的论据的要点是什么?
5 (idm 习语) cut and thrust => cut2.
1. As I fought back, he drew his sword and thrust it at me."
    当我还手的时候, 他拔出剑来向我刺来.

2. Shrugging my shoulders, I began to walk away when, a moment later, he ran after me and thrust the pen into my hands.

3. I climbed the ladder, heard my dive announced, and commenced the moves that would thrust me into the air.
