

美音:[tın ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[tın ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.锡,马口铁,罐 vt.涂锡于 adj.锡制的


tin为小学词汇   词频:2970


动词过去式:tinned 过去分词:tinned 现在分词:tinning 第三人称单数:tins


/tɪn; tɪn/
1 [U] chemical element, a soft white metal used in alloys and for coating iron and steel to prevent corrosion
*[attrib 作定语] tin cans 镀锡白铁罐
* a tin whistle 锡哨. =>App
10 见附录10.
2 (also esp US can) [C]
(a) container made of tin plate, esp one in which food is sealed to preserve it 马口铁容器; (尤指)罐头盒
*open a tin of beans 开一听豆子罐头. =>illus at can 见 can 插图.
(b) contents of this 罐头所盛之物
*He ate a whole tin of stew. 他吃了整整一听炖肉.
3 (idm 习语) a (little) tin `god (infml 口) person or thing that is greatly respected or worshipped for no good reason 受到不应得的崇敬之人或物.

v (-nn-) [Tn esp passive 尤用于被动语态] (US can) seal (food) in a tin(2a) to preserve it 将(食物)制成罐头
*tinned sardines, peas, peaches 罐头沙丁鱼、豌豆、桃.


Bobby Valentin, (born June 9, 1941), is a musician and salsa bandleader.
1. This tin contains an assortment of sweets.

2. The party then searched the whole cave thoroughly but did not find anything except an empty tin trunk.

3. He bought a tin a cigarettes.

4. And a tin of tobacco.

5. Pass me the tin opener.

6. I don´t know what is in this tin because it has no label.

7. Is that tin of tobacco for me?

8. I remember the bright-red tobacco tin, with a picture of Queen Victoria's partner, Prince Albert, dressed in a black dress coat and carrying a cane.
