

adv informal
very much
 I feel tons better after a rest.
1. When the fire had at last been put out, the forest authorities ordered several tons of a special type of grass-seed which would grow quickly.

2. This is a merchant ship of 5 , 000 tons.

3. This truck carries 5 tons of coal.

4. They used six million tons of rock.

5. These huge stone blocks weigh an average of two and a half tons each, as much as a small car.

6. That's when workmen using huge machines began clawing out 1,000 tons of clay every half hour as they bored from England to France.

7. ´Jumbo must weigh a few tons,´ said a policeman afterwards,

8. Yet, loaded with practice bombs and 8,000 pounds of fuel, the mostly aluminum aircraft weighs some 15 tons.

9. Some even weigh fifteen tons.
