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too为小学词汇   词频:124

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/tu:; tu/
1 (usu placed at the end; in speech, with stress on too and on the word it modifies 通常置于句末; 说话时, too及其修饰的词重读) in addition; also 也; 又; 还
*`I've been to Paris `too, ie in addition to other people. 我也去过巴黎(除别人外).
* I've been to `Paris, `too, ie in addition to other places. 我还去过巴黎(除其他地方外).
* He plays the guitar and `sings `too. 他会弹吉他, 也会唱歌. =>Usage at also 用法见also.
2 (used before adjs and advs 用于形容词和副词之前) to a higher degree than is allowed, desirable or possible 过于; 过度; 太
*drive too fast, ie faster than the permitted speed limit or than is sensible 开车过快(超过限定速度或快得不当)
* These shoes are much too small for me. 我穿这双鞋太小.
* It's too cold to go in the sea yet. 天太冷还不能下海.
* This is too difficult a text for them/This text is too difficult for them. 这篇课文对他们来说太难了.
* We can't ski because there's too little snow. 因为雪下得太少, 我们不能滑雪.
* It's too long a journey to make in one day. 路程太远, 一天之内到不了.
* (fml 文) Her work has been too much ignored for too long. 她的工作长期以来太不受重视了.
3 (indicating surprise and usu displeasure 表示惊讶, 通常为不愉快的)
*I had flu last week. And I was on holiday `too! 我上星期得了流感. 我当时还正度假呢!
* I've lost an ear-ring. It was an expensive one `too. 我丢了一只耳环. 还是个挺贵的.
4 very 很; 非常
*I'm not too sure if this is right. 这是否正确, 我没有把握.
5 (idm 习语) be too much for sb
(a) (require one to) be superior in skill, strength, etc to sb else (要求自己)在技巧、力量等方面超过他人; 非某人力所能及
*The Cambridge team were too much for the Oxford team in the quiz. 在智力竞赛中, 剑桥队远胜牛津队.
* A cycling holiday would be too much for an unfit person like me. 像我这种身体, 骑自行车度假力不从心.
(b) be more than can be tolerated 忍无可忍
*All that giggling and whispering was too much for me I had to leave the room. 我受不了那些咯咯的笑声和交头接耳的样子--只好离开了那间屋子.


[Language: Old English;Origin: to 'to, too']
[+ adjective/adverb]
more than is acceptable or possible
 Do you think the music's too loud?
 You've put too much salt in the soup.
 There are too many cars on the road.
much/far too
 Amanda is far too young to get married.
too ... for sth/sb
 I was getting too old for romantic relationships.
 My boots were three sizes too big for me.
too ... to do sth
 He was too ill to travel.
too ... for sb to do sth
 The box was too heavy for me to lift.
used at the end of a sentence or clause to mean 'also'
 There were people from all over Europe, and America too.
 Can I come too?
 'I'm feeling hungry.' 'Me too.'
 It's a more efficient system and it's cheaper too.
see usage notealso
[+ adjective/adverb]spoken
used with a negative to mean 'not very'
 She doesn't seem too upset about it.
 'What was the weather like?' 'Oh, not too bad.'
 She was none too pleased (=not at all pleased) when I told her.
all too/only too
used to emphasize that a particular situation exists when you wish it did not exist
 Beggars are becoming an all too familiar sight in our cities.
 I regret to say that these rumours are only too true.
used to emphasize a remark that you are adding
 'He's been banned from driving.' 'A good thing too!'
 'A woman farmer?' asked Gabriel. 'Yes, and a rich one too.'
I am/he is/you are etc too!
informal especially AmE used to emphasize that you disagree with what someone has said about someone or something
 'You're not smart enough to use a computer.' 'I am too!'
be too much for sb
used to say that something is so difficult, tiring, upsetting etc that someone cannot do it or bear it
 Working full-time was too much for her.
 The shock was too much for him.
[+ adjective/adverb]spoken formal very
 Thank you. You are too kind.
be only too glad/pleased to do sth
to be very willing to do something
 I'd be only too pleased to assist you.
too little, too late
used to complain that not enough is being done to solve a problem and that the action did not start early enough
 Doctors have criticized the government's response to the crisis as too little, too late.