

美音:[tɔı ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
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toy为小学词汇   词频:3697


动词过去式:toyed 过去分词:toyed 现在分词:toying 第三人称单数:toys


bauble  plaything  trinket    


/tɔɪ; tɔɪ/
1 thing to play with, esp for a child 玩具(尤指儿童的).
2 (usu derog 通常作贬义) thing intended for amusement rather than for serious use 为玩耍的而并非为使用的东西
*His latest toy is a personal computer. 他的最新玩物是个人计算机.
* executive toys 行政人员的小玩物.

adj [attrib 作定语]
1 made in imitation of the specified thing and used for playing with 作玩具的
*a toy car, gun, telephone 玩具汽车、枪、电话
* toy (ie model) soldiers 玩具士兵.
2 (of a dog) of a small breed or variety, kept as a pet (指狗)体型小的(作宠物的)
*a toy spaniel 西班牙种的小猎鸡狗.

v (phr v) toy with sth
1 consider sth idly or without serious intent 漫不经心地考虑某事
*I've been toying with the idea of moving abroad. 我一直胡乱想着移居国外好不好.
2 handle or move sth carelessly or absent-mindedly 粗心地或心不在焉地摆弄或移动某物
*toying with a pencil 摆弄着铅笔
* She was just toying with her food, as if she wasn't really hungry. 她把饭拨弄着玩儿, 好像并不饿.
1. Back in the early 1960s, when the laser was first being developed, it was viewed by some as a fascinating research tool, others called it a science-fiction toy.

2. Barbara Handler was the daughter of Elliot and Ruth Handler, co-founders of the Mattel Toy Company.

3. The child was fascinated with his new toy.

4. He found a toy electric motor in a junk heap.

5. A boy pointed a toy pistol at me.

6. Glass, antique furniture, pictures, model cars, stuffed birds, toy animals,
