

n (usu sing 通常作单数)
1 number of people who attend a match, meeting, etc; attendance (比赛、会议等的)全部参与人(数)
*There was a good turn-out at yesterday's meeting. 出席昨日会议的人很多.
2 act of emptying a drawer, a room, etc 清除抽屉、房间等中之物
*These drawers are full of rubbish; it's time I had a good turn-out. 这些抽屉里净是没用的东西, 我得好好清理一下了.
3 way in which sb is dressed 某人的穿着打扮
*The headmaster praised the boys for their neat turn-out. 校长表扬男同学服装整齐.
1. But scientists are working hard to turn them into realities.
    但是, 科学家们正在努力工作, 以便把想法变成现实.

2. Before I reach the door, I think I hear a voice say, money. Before I open the door I hear a voice and turn to see the man with a gun.

3. 'We kind of like that spirit. We don't like it with the negative attitudes. We want to turn that spirit positive.'"

4. For it produces a resentful animal who at a later stage may well turn man-killer.

5. When our part begins to turn towards the sun and we see the first sunlight, we call it morning.

6. When we begin to turn away from the sun, we have afternoon and evening and night.

7. Whenever someone learns that I'm taking care of Sam, they turn on me — telling me not to bounce him too much or he'll throw up, demanding that I give him another bottle of milk.

8. When a fare does turn out to be more than you expected, think about your options.

9. Turn right at the next junction.

10. Turn to page two.
