

美音:[´ju:nə´fɔ:m ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´ju:nə´fɔ:m ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
adj.统一的,相同的,一致的,始终如一的,均衡的 n.制服 vt.使成一样,使穿制服


uniform为小学词汇   词频:4882


副词:uniformly 名词:uniformity 动词过去式:uniformed 过去分词:uniformed 现在分词:uniforming 第三人称单数:uniforms


form=to form(形成),form(形状)

近义词, 同义词



/'ju:nɪfɔ:m; `junə,fɔrm/
adj not changing in form or character; unvarying (形式或特徵)无变化的; 一律的
*of uniform length, size, shape, colour, etc 长度、大小、形状、颜色等一样的
* The rows of houses were uniform in appearance. 这一排排的房子外观相同.
* be kept at a uniform temperature 保持恒温
* uniform distribution of weight 重量的均匀分布. > uniformity/ 9ju:nI5fR:mEtI; 9junE`fRrmEtI/ n (esp derog 尤作贬义) [U]
*a depressing uniformity of taste 趣味方面使人感到沉闷的千篇一律. uniformly adv
*Reaction to the cuts was uniformly negative. 对削减经费一事一律持反对态度.

/'ju:nɪfɔ:m; `junə,fɔrm/
1 [C, U] distinctive clothing worn by all members of an organization or group, eg the police, the armed forces, nurses 制服(如警察、军人、护士穿的)
*children wearing school uniform(s)穿校服的儿童.
2 (idm 习语) in uniform
(a) wearing such clothing 穿着制服
*officers in full dress uniform 穿全套军装的军官.
(b) belonging to the armed forces 属于军队
*How long was he in uniform? 他在军队里服役多久了?
1. But when I went into his room, a carton of cigarettes in my hand, I discovered the "head waiter" in the uniform of a Major General.

2. The earth turns round at a uniform rate.

3. The medicine he had been given because of the pain from his heart attack made his eyes weak and he only dimly saw the young man in Marine Corps uniform standing outside the oxygen tent.

4. Now, dressed in a blue uniform and with a rifle over his shoulder, the prisoner marched boldly up and down in front of the camp.

5. He was a heavy man in a tight-fitting yellow and blue uniform.

6. I´ve always thought he looked very manly in his uniform.
