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unlikely为中学词汇   词频:1679


名词:unlikeliness 形容词比较级:unlikelier 最高级:unlikeliest

近义词, 同义词


/ʌn'laɪklɪ; ʌn`laɪklɪ/
adj (-ier, -iest)
(a) not likely or expected to happen 不大可能发生的; 未必会发生的
*It is unlikely to rain/that it will rain. 不太可能下雨.
* There is unlikely to be rain. 不太可能有雨.
* His condition is unlikely to improve. 他的境况不大可能好转.
* In the unlikely event of a strike, production would be badly affected. 罢工未必能发生, 若一旦发生, 生产势必受到严重影响.
(b) [attrib 作定语] not likely to be true; improbable 不大可能是真实的; 不大可能的
*an unlikely tale, excuse, explanation, etc 不太像真实的说法、托词、解释等.
(c) not expected to succeed 未必会成功的
*the most unlikely candidate 最不大可能当选的候选人
* an unlikely couple, ie two people who do not seem to be well suited to each other 不大般配的二人.


not likely to happen
 Donna might be able to come tomorrow, but it's very unlikely .
unlikely to do sth
 The weather is unlikely to improve over the next few days.
it is unlikely (that)
 It's unlikely that the thieves will be caught.
in the unlikely event of sth
(=if something which is unlikely happens)
 In the unlikely event of a fire, passengers should move to the top deck.
an unlikely place, person, or thing is strange and not what you would expect
 The quiet village of Brockhampton was an unlikely setting for such a crime.
not likely to be true
 an unlikely story