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vacant为六级词汇   词频:6173


名词:vacantness 副词:vacantly



近义词, 同义词


barren  desolate  empty  unoccupied  void  full    


/'veɪkənt; `vekənt/
1 not filled or occupied; empty 未占满的; 未占用的; 空着的
*Is the lavatory vacant? 厕所里没有人吧?
* a vacant situation, post, hotel room 空着的职务、空缺的职位、旅店的空房间. =>Usage at empty1 用法见empty1.
2 (a) showing no sign of thought or intelligence; blank 无思想或智慧的; 木然的
*a vacant stare, look, etc 茫然的凝视、目光等.
(b) empty of thought (思想)空虚的
*a vacant mind 空荡荡的头脑. > vacantly adv
*stare, look, gaze, etc vacantly into space 木然地注视、观望、凝视...着空间.


[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French;Origin:Latin, present participle of vacare 'to be empty, be free']
a vacant seat, building, room or piece of land is empty and available for someone to use
 Only a few apartments were still vacant.
 There was only a vacant lot (=empty unused area of land in a city) where her house used to be.
formal a job or position in an organization that is vacant is available for someone to start doing
fall vacant
BrE (=become vacant)
 He was offered the position of headmaster when it fell vacant.
situations vacant
BrE (=the part of a newspaper where jobs are advertised)
vacant expression/look/stare etc
written an expression that shows that someone does not seem to be thinking about anything
 He gazed at me with vacant eyes.
 Cindy was staring vacantly into space.
1. There is still a vacant seat in the bus.

2. He was appointed to the vacant post.

3. Years ago, any open field, any vacant lot, any group of trees -- these were the places where children played.

4. Fuelled by the immense value attached to youth, it has made millions out of vacant promises of renewing faces and bodies.
