

美音:[veın ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[veın ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.血管,静脉,叶脉,翅脉,矿脉,纹理,性情,心绪 vt.使成脉络,象脉络般分布于


vein为六级词汇   词频:4284


动词过去式:veined 过去分词:veined 现在分词:veining 第三人称单数:veins 形容词:veinal

近义词, 同义词

filament  line  fiber  fibril  vein  hair  cilium  tendril  gossamer  hair stroke  wire  string  thread  cotton  twine  twist  whipcord  tape  ribbon  cord  rope  yarn  hemp  jutestock  fund  mine  vein  lode  supply  heap  collection  treasure  reserve  nest egg  savings  harvest  store  accumulation  hoard    




/veɪn; ven/
1 [C] any of the tubes carrying blood from all parts of the body to the heart 静脉
*Royal blood ran in his veins. 他有王族血统. Cf 参看 artery.
2 [C] any of the thread-like lines forming the framework of a leaf or of an insect's wing 叶脉; 翅脉.
3 [C] narrow strip or streak of a different colour in some kinds of stone, eg marble, or in some cheeses (大理石等或某些乾酪的)纹理, 纹路.
4 [C] crack or fissure in rock, filled with mineral or ore; seam 矿脉; 岩脉; 矿层
*a vein of gold 金矿脉.
5 [sing] ~ (of sth) (fig 比喻) distinctive feature or quality; streak 特徵; 气质; 性情
*have a vein of melancholy in one's character 性格中含有忧郁的成分
* Her stories struck/revealed a rich vein of humour. 她的小说饶有风趣.
6 [sing] manner or style; mood 方式; 风格; 心情; 情绪
*in a sad, comic, creative, etc vein 以忧伤的心情、喜剧的风格、富于创造性的方式等
* The complaints continued in the same vein. 总是那一类的牢骚话, 没完没了.


artery, brain, fatty, tissue, heart, kidney, intestine, intestine2, small, large, liver, lung, muscles, stomach, vein, throat
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French;Origin: veine, from Latin vena]
one of the tubes which carries blood to your heart from other parts of your body
 the pulmonary vein
 She felt the blood racing through her veins as they kissed.
one of the thin lines on a leaf or on an insect's wing
one of the thin lines on a piece of cheese or some types of stone
a thin layer of a valuable metal or mineral which is contained in rock
vein of
 veins of gold
in a ... vein
in a particular style of speaking or writing about something
in the same vein/in a similar vein
 There was more humour, in much the same vein.
in a serious/light-hearted etc vein
 poems in a lighter vein
a vein of humour/malice etc
a small amount of humour etc
 In voicing our fear of old age, Rivers has discovered a rich vein of comedy.
deep vein thrombosis, varicose veins
1. Roosevelt´s first words were in a light vein.
