

美音:[vaıs ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[vaıs ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.恶习,恶行,坏脾气,罪恶,堕落,老虎钳,缺点,缺陷 vt.钳住 prep.代替



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/vaɪs; vaɪs/
1 (a) [U] evil or unprincipled conduct; wickedness 邪恶; 恶劣行径; 缺德行为
*vice and corruption in the Secret Service 特工部门的邪恶与腐败现象.
(b) [C] particular form of this 邪恶的或不道德的行为或现象
*Greed is a terrible vice. 贪得无厌是可鄙的行为. Cf 参看 virtue 1.
2 [C] (infml or joc 口或谑) fault or bad habit; weakness 缺点; 坏习惯; 坏毛病
*Sherry is one of my little vices! 我有个毛病, 就是好喝雪利酒!
3 [U] criminal or immoral behaviour, eg gambling,drug-trafficking, pornography, prostitution 罪恶行径, 不道德的行为(如赌博、贩毒、色情勾当、卖淫)
*[attrib 作定语] `vice squads, ie groups of police who try to prevent this 警方取缔赌博、贩毒、色情活动的行动队
* Detectives smash London vice ring, eg in a newspaper headline. 警探侦破伦敦黄赌毒团伙(如报刊标题).
4 (idm 习语) a den of iniquity/vice => den.


[Sense: 1-3; Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French;Origin:Latin vitium 'fault, vice']
criminal activities that involve sex or drugs
 the fight against vice on the streets
 The police have smashed a vice ring (=a group of criminals involved in vice) in Chicago.
vice squad
a bad habit
 Smoking is my only vice.
[U and C]
a bad or immoral quality in a person, or bad or immoral behaviour
 Jealousy is a vice.
 to reward virtue and punish vice

a tool that holds an object very firmly so that you can work on it
 He held my arm like a vice .
1. We should reclaim him from the life of vice.

2. Work banishes those three great evils : boredom , vice, and poverty.(Voltaire , French philosopher )
    工作撵跑三个魔鬼:无聊、堕落和贫穷。 (法国哲学家 伏尔基泰)

3. The world is on "the eve of a new era", says the former United States Vice President Al Gore, the Clinton administration's leading high-technology advocate.

4. "People in and near cities have little opportunity to experience parks or unprotected open spaces, and that's becoming a problem," says Mister Ernest Cook, a senior vice president of the Trust for Public Land (TPL).
    "住在城里或城市附近的人们很少有机会看到公园或开阔的空地,这正在成为一个问题," 公有土地信托机构的资深副总裁欧内斯特·考克先生说。

5. Greed is a terrible vice.
