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n.维多利亚女王时代的著名人物 adj.维多利亚女王时代的,有维多利亚女王时代特色的




/vɪk'tɔ:rɪən; vɪk`tɔrɪən/
1 of, living in or dating from the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901) 维多利亚女王时代(1837-1901)的; 生活于维多利亚时代的; 始于维多利亚时代的
*Victorian novels, poets, houses 维多利亚女王时代的小说、诗人、房屋.
2 having the qualities and outlook attributed to middle-class people in Britain in the nineteenth century 有十九世纪英国中产阶级的品性及观点的
*Victorian attitudes to sexual morality, ie ones stressing self-control, family loyalty, etc 维多利亚时代的性道德观(强调克己、忠于家庭等)
* Victorian values, eg thrift, sobriety, hard work 维多利亚时代的价值观念和社会准则(如节俭、自制、勤勉).

n person living in the reign of Queen Victoria 维多利亚时代的人.
1. The Victorian habit of mind was unduly preoccupied by what was socially and morally convenient.

2. The Victorian habit of mind was unduly preoccupied by what was socially and morally convenient.

3. Those who like Victorian family houses and furniture might secretly welcome a return to more rigid social norms.

4. Victorian parents believed that they kept their dignity by retreating behind an
    维多利亚时代的父母相信, 他们以无理的权威气派为屏障, 可以保持自己的威严;

5. Victorian parents believed that they kept their dignity by retreating behind an unreasoning authoritarian attitude;
