

美音:[vɔıs ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[vɔıs ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.声音,嗓音,发音能力,意见,发言权,[语法]语态 vt.表达,吐露


voice为中学词汇   词频:357


动词过去式:voiced 过去分词:voiced 现在分词:voicing 第三人称单数:voices

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/vɔɪs; vɔɪs/
1 (a) [C] sounds formed in the larynx and uttered through the mouth, esp by a person speaking or singing 嗓音; (尤指)说话声, 歌唱声
*I can hear voices through the wall. 我听见隔着墙有说话的声音.
* Keep your voice down, ie Don't speak loudly. 说话声音放低些.
* recognize sb's voice 听出某人的声音
* speak in a loud, rough, husky, gentle, etc voice 大声地、粗声地、声音嘶哑地、柔声地...说话
* He has a good singing voice, ie can sing well. 他唱起歌来声音很好听.
* raise/lower one's voice, ie speak more loudly/softly 提高[降低]嗓门
* His voice has broken, ie become deep like a man's. 他的嗓音变粗了(变低沉, 像成年人的了).
* Her voice shook/trembled with emotion. 她激动得声音发颤.
(b) [U] ability to produce such sounds (人嗓子的)发声能力
*commands given in a firm tone of voice 用坚定的语调下达的命令.
2 (fig 比喻)
(a) [U, sing] ~ (in sth) (right to express one's) opinion, etc in spoken or written words; influence (口头的或书面的)意见等; 发言权; 发表意见的权利; 影响
*have little, some, no, a voice in the matter 对这件事没有什么、有一些、没有、有意见
* The workers want a voice in management decisions.工人要求在管理决策上有发言权.
(b) [sing] means by which such an opinion, etc is expressed 表达意见等的方式或手段
*listen to the voice of reason, experience, dissent 听取理由、经历、不同政见
* Our newspaper represents the voice of the people. 我们的报纸代表着人民的心声.
3 [sing] (grammar) contrast between a sentence in which the doer of the action is subject (active) and one in which the person or thing affected is subject (passive) (动词的)语态
*in the active/passive voice 用主动[被动]语态.
4 [U] (phonetics 语音) sound produced by vibration of the vocal cords and not with breath alone, used in the pronunciation of vowel sounds and certain consonants, eg / b, d, z/ 浊音, 有声音(发音时声带震动的, 如元音及某些辅音如/ b/、/d/、/z/).
5 (idm 习语) at the top of one's voice => top1. find/lose one's voice/tongue => find1. give voice to sth (fml 文) express (feelings, worries, etc) 表露(感情、忧虑等)
*give voice to one's indignation, dismay, concern, etc 表现出愤慨、沮丧、关心等. have, etc an edge to one's voice => edge1. in good, poor, etc `voice singing or speaking as well as usual, worse than usual, etc (唱歌或说话时)声音和平时一样好、不如平时等
*The bass soloist was in excellent voice. 这个男低音独唱演员这次唱出了高水平. like, etc the sound of one's own voice => sound2. make one's `voice heard express one's feelings, opinions, etc in such a way that they are noticed or acted on (为使他人注意或采取行动)表达感情、意见等
*This programme gives ordinary viewers a chance to make their voice(s) heard. 这个节目给普通观众提供了一个发表意见的机会. raise one's voice against sb/sth => raise. the still small voice => still1. with ,one `voice (fml 文) unanimously 异口同声地; 一致地
*With one voice, the workers voted to strike. 工人投票一致要求罢工.

v [Tn]
1 express (feelings, etc) in words 用言语表达(情感等)
*A spokesman voiced the workers'dissatisfaction. 发言人表示了工人的不满情绪.
2 (phonetics语音) utter (a sound) with voice (4) 发(浊音)
*voiced consonants, eg / d, v, z/ 浊辅音(如/ d/、/v/、/z/).
1. But her voice was trembling.

2. By a violent effort she overcame her feelings and replied in a calm voice, as she wiped her wet cheeks:

3. Being laid off from work, job loss and recession (衰退) have always affected Walter Cronkite's tone of voice and the editor's page.

4. Before I reach the door, I think I hear a voice say, money. Before I open the door I hear a voice and turn to see the man with a gun.

5. But for over half of his screen career, Chaplin had no screen voice to confirm his British nationality.

6. We heard a terrible screaming voice.

7. They consented with one voice.

8. The melodious voice of the young girl made him so happy.

9. Tom mimicked his uncle´s voice and gestures perfectly.

10. The speaker had a really noble voice which he could modulate with great skill.
