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1. The food was washed down with coarse wine.

2. The wound was carefully washed; then an antiseptic, tincture of iodine, was applied.

3. Natural disasters like storms and floods have washed away many crops.

4. At the far end of the lake, they came to huge piles of rubble which had been washed up by the water.

5. At the far end of the lake, they came to huge piles of rubble which had been washed up by the water.

6. "He told a little girl to say a word and she said it and the teacher washed her mouth out with soap and Charles laughed."

7. Apparently the main point of his nobility was that he had neither wife nor servants, used his own axe to chop his own wood, and washed his own cups and saucers.

8. She washed the dishes and the soiled linen, she took down the refuse to the street every morning, and brought up the water, stopping at each landing to get her breath.

9. She grabbed the soap and washed thoroughly, including her hair.

10. Provided the spray is washed away with water, recovery should be complete within a couple of hours.
