

美音:[´wedıŋ ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
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wedding为中学词汇   词频:2364


/'wedɪŋ; `wɛdɪŋ/
1 marriage ceremony (and the party which usually follows it) 婚礼; 结婚庆典
*There will be a wedding in the village church on Saturday. 星期六村里教堂将举行婚礼.
* We have been invited to their daughter's wedding. 他们邀请我们参加他们女儿的婚礼.
* [attrib 作定语] a wedding anniversary, dress, guest, invitation, present 结婚周年纪念、婚礼女用长服、婚礼宾客、婚礼请帖、结婚礼品.
2 (idm 习语) a shotgun wedding => shotgun (shot1).



a marriage ceremony, especially one with a religious service
 Do come to our wedding.
wedding party/reception/breakfast etc
(=a special meal or party that is held after a wedding)
 a wedding present
 cutting the wedding cake
 We celebrate our tenth wedding anniversary (=the date on which we were married in a previous year) next week.
 a wedding dress (=the dress worn by a woman who is getting married)
(hear the sound of) wedding bells
spoken used to say that you think it is likely that two people will get married
1. When Gail spread the news of our wedding plans to her family she met with some resistance.

2. We begin with a worn wedding album.

3. When an agreement could not be forged, the wedding was canceled.

4. They celebrated their wedding anniversary.

5. Their daughter´s wedding reception was sheer ostentation.

6. They held the wedding following the tribal customs.

7. There will be a wedding in the village church on Saturday.

8. To avoid this, some lawyers will not draw up an agreement once a wedding date has been set.

9. He prepared the speech carefully and went to the wedding with Jenny.

10. He would insist the elderly woman did attend their wedding accidentally. But she knew "Aunt Esther" was on some heavenly mission.
