

美音:[wız ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[wız ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.嗽嗽声 v.发出呼啸声



近义词, 同义词


/wɪz; [US] hwɪz; hwɪz/
v (-zz-) [I, Ipr, Ip]
(a) make a sound like that of an object moving very fast through the air 发出如物体急速穿过空气的声音
*A bullet whizzed past my ear. 一颗子弹嗖的一声从我耳边飞过.
(b) (infml 口) move very fast 高速移动
*whizzing along (the motorway) (在高速公路上)飞速行驶.

*Compare zoom, whiz, zip, shoot, dart, and nip. 试比较zoom、whiz、zip、shoot、dart、nip这几个动词. Zoom and whiz are both informal and indicate the rapid noisy movement of a vehicle, etc. *zoom与whiz均为口语用词, 指车等快速行驶同时发出声响. Zoom suggests a low engine noise; whiz suggests a high whistling sound *zoom指发动机的低声, whiz指似口哨或汽笛的高声
*The jet zoomed low over the houses, frightening everyone. 那架喷气式飞机低飞掠过房顶, 隆隆声把大家吓了一跳.
* A bullet whizzed past my ear. 一颗子弹嗖的一声从我耳边飞过. Zip also describes a vehicle moving fast but does not suggest noise. *zip也指车快速行驶, 但不含发出声响之意. It can refer to people getting through a task or a process quickly 这个词还可指人迅速完成一任务或经过一过程
*These new trains really zip along. 这些新列车行驶得可真快.
* We were lucky we just zipped through customs. 我们很运气--一下子就过了海关. Shoot and dart indicate the sudden rapid movement of a person, an animal or a thing *shoot和dart指人、动物或东西突然快速移动
*A car suddenly shot out of a side road and nearly hit me. 有一辆汽车冷不防从岔道上冲出, 险些撞着我.
* The boy suddenly darted across the road in front of the bus. 那个男孩突然从公共汽车前面冲过马路. Nip is informal, indicating someone hurrying somewhere for a short time and for a particular purpose *nip是口语用词, 指某人为某目的匆匆去一下某处
*I must nip round to the shops for some milk. 我得赶快到商店转一圈买点儿牛奶.