

美音:[həul ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[həul ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.全部,全体,整体,完全之体系 adj.所有的,完整的,完全的,纯粹的,未损伤的,未打破的 adv.完全,整个


whole为中学词汇   词频:904



近义词, 同义词


complete  entire  one  solid  total  undivided  part  partial    


/həʊl; hol/ adj
1 [attrib 作定语] entire; complete 完全的; 整体的; 全部的
*three whole days 三整天
* We drank a whole bottle each. 我们每人都喝了整整一瓶.
* The whole town was destroyed by the earthquake. 整个小镇已遭地震摧毁.
* (infml 口) The whole country (ie All the people in it) mourned the death of the queen. 举国哀悼女王晏驾.
* I've sold the whole lot, ie everything. 我把所有东西都卖了.
* Let's forget the whole affair/matter/thing. 咱们完全不要再想这件事了.
* Tell me the whole truth. 把实情一五一十都告诉我. =>Usage at half1 用法见half1.
2 not broken, damaged or injured; intact 完整的; 无损伤的
*After the party, there wasn't a glass left whole. 这场聚会结束时, 玻璃杯连一个完整的也没剩下.
* cook sth whole, ie without cutting it up 烹治整个儿的某物(不切开)
* swallow sth whole, ie without chewing it 把某物囫囵吞下(不咀嚼)
* (fml 文) make sb whole, ie well again (after injury or illness) 使某人痊愈.
3 (idm 习语) go the whole hog (infml 口) do sth thoroughly or completely 彻底地或完全地做某事
*They painted the kitchen and then decided to go the whole hog and redecorate the other rooms as well. 他们粉刷了厨房, 後来又决心干到底, 把其他房间也都修饰了一番. the whole bag of `tricks/ ca`boodle/ she`bang/ `shooting match (infml 口) the whole collection of facts or things 全部事物
*I just threw the whole caboodle in the back of the car. 我把所有东西都扔到汽车後座上去了.
* They bought the house, the land, the stables the whole shooting match. 他们买下了那所房子、那片土地、那个马厩--所有东西都一齐买下了. a whole lot (of sth) (infml 口) a large number or amount 大量
*a whole lot of reasons for not doing it 不做这件事的许许多多理由
* a whole lot of trouble 很多麻烦. with all one's heart/one's whole heart => heart.

1 [C] thing that is complete in itself 自成完整的事物; 整体; 整个; 全体
*Four quarters make a whole.四个四分之一可构成一个整体.
* A whole is greater than any of its parts. 整体大于其组成部分. =>Usage at half1 用法见half1.
2 [sing] ~ of sth all that there is of sth某事物的全部
*She spent the whole of the year in hospital.她住院住了整整一年了.
3 (idm 习语) as a `whole
(a) as one thing or piece and not as separate parts 作为整体
*Is the collection going to be divided up or sold as a whole? 这批收藏品是零卖还是一起卖?
(b) in general 普遍说来; 一般地说
*The population as a whole is/are in favour of the reform. 全体人民普遍拥护改革. on the whole considering everything 总的说来; 一切都考虑在内
*On the whole, I'm in favour of the proposal. 总的说来, 我赞成这个提议.