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worried为中学词汇   词频:2697


adj ~ (about sb/sth); ~ (that...) feeling or showing worry about sb/sth; anxious 担忧的; 担心的; 发愁的
*be worried about one's weight, one's job, one's husband 为自己的体重、工作、丈夫担心
* I was worried that you wouldn't come back. 我担心你不回来了.
* There's no need to look so worried! 不必那么愁眉苦脸的!
* Worried relatives waited at the airport. 亲属们都焦急地在机场等着.


unhappy because you keep thinking about a problem, or about something bad that might happen
 You look worried. What's the matter?
worried about
 I'm really worried about my brother.
worried by
 Local people are worried by the rise in crime.
worried (that)
 I was worried we wouldn't have enough money.
 Don't look so worried - we'll find him.
 By this time, I was really getting worried .
worried expression/look/frown etc
 Where have you been? I was worried sick (=extremely worried) !
you had me worried
spoken used to say that someone made you feel anxious because you did not properly understand what they said, or did not realize that it was a joke
 You had me worried there for a minute!
WORD FOCUS: worried
similar words: anxious, concerned, apprehensive, uneasy, bothered, preoccupied, stressed (out)

1. Everybody on board was worried and we were curious to find out what had happened.

2. Everybody on board was worried and we were curious to find out what had happened.

3. We were, however, worried about our nearest neighbours, whose farm was low lying and who were newcomers to the district.

4. We were, however, worried about our nearest neighbours, whose farm was low lying and who were newcomers to the district.

5. The sporadic outbreaks of the disease have worried the researchers.

6. The bosses looked worried, and the police had grey, exasperated faces.

7. The British were too worried about invasion.

8. The increasingly exaggerated claims made by manufacturers about their products' ability to get rid of wrinkles have worried doctors.

9. He was worried that we might want to do some magic with the blood."

10. Dan Robinson has been worried all week.
