



1. * physicians to recognize the disease;
    * 能够识别该疾病的医生;

2. By infecting animals and letting them loose in the burrows, local epidemics of this disease could be created.

3. WHO believes that, as AIDS becomes more common, the disease promises to unite the world to a degree never seen before.

4. WHO is certain that, together, we will triumph over AIDS rather than allow the disease and the fears, worries, and prejudices(偏见) which go with it to overpower us.

5. The epidemic disease was kept under control by the authorities´ vigorous action.

6. The physician cured me of the disease.

7. The sporadic outbreaks of the disease have worried the researchers.

8. The stagnant water was a breeding ground for disease.

9. The question became one of whether Man could control the disease he had invented.

10. Two British scientists developed a sulfa that could cure pneumonia, a disease that up to that time had caused thousands of deaths yearly.
