
xaverian brother



xaverian brother为短语/超纲词汇
1. Everyone went to the funeral, for the ´ghost´ was none other than Eric Cox, a third brother who was supposed to have died as a young man.

2. Barbie's boyfriend, Ken, was introduced in 1961 and named after Barbara's brother.

3. Wilma´s brother Wesley liked to play basketball.

4. The king´s younger brother took part in the intrigue.

5. Needless to say, the man´s name was Hans Bussman and he really was Franz´s long-lost brother.

6. Her brother is interested in pharmaceutical botany.

7. Her father remarried and the stepmother was cruel to Aqiao and her brother.

8. He asked his brother to execute his will.

9. He gave his younger brother a pat on the shoulder.

10. Her brother is called Paul.
