1. Enclosed in this outfit, I waited in line for an hour with other adventurers, mostly office workers in their 20's.

2. Would your twin live a shorter life because he or she started out with DNA that was already 10, 20, or 30 years old?

3. The motion to amend the club´s constitution was defeated by 20 votes to 15.

4. The average output of the factory is 20 cars a day.

5. The Hubble telescope was launched into space by NASA on April 20, 1990 at a cost of over a billion dollars.

6. The government has succeeded in increasing use of birth control from 10 percent of the population 20 years ago to 49 percent today.

7. They believe schools will be things of the past in 20 years as media technology, like the Internet, teaches children.

8. This is what the police say happened beginning at 3:20 AM in the proper, tree-lined neighborhood:

9. The parents agree in writing to meet monthly in one of 20 regional groups, go to a yearly three-day regional retreat, and spend at least three times a year in workshops, discussion groups and seminars at Bath.

10. The F-16 is a $20 million piece of hardware that has enough horsepower to fly at twice the speed of sound.