1. When Easton was unemployed they had to stint themselves so as to avoid getting further into debt than was absolutely necessary. 伊斯顿失业时,为了不到万不得已时不赊帐,他们只得节衣缩食。
2. We have put old women in nursing "homes" with absolutely no intellectual stimulation, isolated from human warmth and contact, and then condemned them for losing their mental abilities. 我们把老年妇女送进养老之"家",那儿没有丝毫促进思考动脑的活动,远离人间的温暖和交往,然后指责她们丧失了思维能力。
3. They are absolutely at the mercy of providence. 他们完全听天由命。
4. The hotel food was absolutely wretched. 这家旅馆的饭菜糟透了.
5. This means students must be absolutely explicit with their comments and requests. 这就意味学生必须非常清楚地表达自己的看法和要求。
6. She´s absolutely determined to succeed (in life). 她决心要实现自己的(人生)目的.
7. She is absolutely a tigress. 她简直是个母老虎。
8. It´s absolutely impossible. 这是绝对不可能的。
9. It is absolutely necessary for students to assimilate information and make the right decisions based on critical thinking. 在积极的网络环境中,学生从老师、同学那里及他们自己的学习中感受到自己的价值。
10. Following him through the door were three absolutely frightening men wearing those horrible stocking masks. They were carrying guns; at least the one in front was carrying a pistol. 如今我已记不起他们当时有没有说些什么,我也不知道人们是否都不由自主地举起了双手。我举起了手,可那只是因为当时我不知道该怎么办。