1. But if he'd been able to speak with an educated accent in those early short comedy movies, it's doubtful if he would have achieved world fame.

2. This strong and steady voice, an American voice with a slight accent of North Carolina, belonged to Edward R. Murrow, head of the European staff of the Columbia Broadcasting System.
    这个有力而平稳的声音,这个带着一点北卡罗来纳口音的美国音,出自爱德华· R· 默罗之口,他是哥伦比亚广播公司驻欧人员的负责人。

3. He spoke with an Irish accent.

4. And even though I couldn't completely understand what she was saying in her thick Beijing accent, I knew — the same way I knew what my mother had been trying to tell me before I left.

5. Albert was, for one thing, fat. Very fat. And then there was his accent. Though he spoke French and German fairly well, he had never altogether lost the American accent he had brought to Paris twenty years ago.

6. She has a French accent and looks to have much energy to be a new mother.

7. In all our products the accent is on quality.
    在我们一切产品中, 最重视的就是质量.