1. Earlier this month, Alberto Torres's wife, who had just been laid off from her job, had to have a breast removed due to cancer and now faces a year of radiation treatments. 这个月初,阿尔伯图·多里斯刚刚失业的妻子,由于患癌症而不得不将一侧乳房切除,而今又面临一年的放射性治疗。
2. You could feel sorry for Alberto Torres (阿尔伯图·多里斯), who is blind. The last thing he remembers seeing was his daughter being born 13 years ago. Then the world went blank; 您也许会为盲人阿尔伯图·多里斯感到难过,他记得他看到的最后一件事就是13年前他女儿出生的情景,然后世界就变得一片空白。