1. But these terms have always been just words, affecting someone else's world, like a passing ambulance. 但是这些字眼一直只不过是些字眼而已,就像一辆驶过的救护车,影响的只是别人的世界,
2. The ambulance took the victims of the car accident to hospital. 急救车把车祸中受伤的人送到医院。
3. The story began on a downtown Brooklyn street corner. An elderly man had collapsed while crossing the street, and an ambulance rushed him to Kings County Hospital. 故事开始于布鲁克林闹市区的一条街的拐角处。有个老汉在穿马路时晕倒在地,一辆救护车把他急送到金斯县医院。
4. At least they were until a few weeks ago, when the ambulance came for me. 至少在几星期前这辆救护车朝我驶来之前,就一直是这么回事。
5. It was 4:25 AM when the ambulance arrived to take the body of Miss Parry. 当救护车开来运帕里小姐的尸体时,已是4:25。