1. The sudden appearance of a policeman caused the thief to run away.
    警察突然出现, 小偷就逃跑了.

2. The culmination of the Christmas party was the appearance of the Santa Claus.

3. Those clothes do nothing to enhance her appearance.

4. The man had a repellent appearance.

5. The aim was to look like street people and to observe what difference that made in the way other people responded to us — whether the appearance of poverty would invite prejudice on us.

6. They include: physical appearance, energy, rate of speech, pitch and tone of voice, gestures, expression through the eyes, and the ability to hold the interest of others.

7. The three-dimensional model for Barbie was a German doll — a joke gift for adults described as having the appearance of "a woman who sold sex".

8. He earned enormous sums of money and was paid as much as $100 for a single appearance.

9. Heterosexual(异性之间的) spreading is low, but there is danger that the spread of AIDS from male(男性) IV-drug users to their female(女性) partners could increase the appearance of AIDS in the heterosexual population.

10. Argues that all employees, from bottle washers to the president, are similar to actors who have to obey rules about appearance.