1. The arrow embedded itself in the wall.

2. The heavier the arrow, the greater its penetration into the target.
    箭越重, 射入靶子越深。

3. The heavier the arrow, the greater its penetration into the target.
    箭越重, 射入靶子越深。

4. The expedition carried a little flour and sugar, but mostly they relied on the fish that Pinero caught with his harpoon and the game that was shot with bow and arrow, using the campfire to grill meat or cassava cakes.

5. An untruthful answer gives authorities another arrow for their attorney's quiver.

6. Slowly he raised the bow, pulled back the cord, and after taking careful aim, let the arrow fly.
    他慢慢地端起弓,绷紧弦,仔细瞄准以后, 把箭射出去了.

7. Slowly he raised the bow, pulled back the cord, and after taking careful aim, let the arrow fly.
    他慢慢地端起弓,绷紧弦,仔细瞄准以后, 把箭射出去了.