1. The comments in brackets are the author´s. 括号内的评语是作者写的。
2. This poem communicates the author´s despair. 这首诗流露出作者的绝望心情.
3. The book has a preface written by the author. 该书有作者写的序言。
4. The book brought the young author to immediate prominence. 这本书使那位年轻作者一举成名。
5. The publisher pressed the author for his book. 出版商催促作者的书稿。
6. The author has put fire and passion into her writing. 作者在作品里融进了火一样的热情。
7. Dickens is my favourite author. 狄更斯是我最喜爱的作家.
8. A. That´s true. As you read, you feel everything with the author — or rather with her characters. A. 是的。当你读这本书的时候,就像和作者,或者不如说和书中人物一同经历了那些事情。
9. "Jukus are playing on the status anxieties of these parents," said Makoto Oda, an author who taught in jukus in Tokyo for more than 20 years. 课外学校就利用了家长们对地位的焦虑,"小田诚说。这位作家在东京的课外学校教书20多年了。
10. "There are mysterious and strange things going on out there," admits Richard Winer, author of The Devil's Triangle, a book that has sold 500,000 copies since its publication three months ago. "那里的怪事、奇事层出不穷,"《魔鬼三角》的作者理查德·文纳说。他这本书从三个月前出版以来,已经售出了50万册。