1. They were in the same grade, even though Autumn was a year older.

2. During spring and summer and autumn he was very happy, but when winter came, he suffered from cold and hunger, and often went to bed without supper.
    在春天、夏天和秋天,他很快活。可是一到冬天,他便饥寒交迫, 常常吃不上晚饭就上床睡觉。

3. Autumn is rich with fruit and grain,

4. Autumn is the best season in Beijing.

5. At school, Sandy often went to the library with her best friend, Autumn, who came to America from Japan.

6. Autumn's parents made her study on Saturday nights but Sandy didn't tell her parents.

7. An only child, Autumn liked hearing about Sandy's brother.

8. Autumn's parents didn't permit her to date and insisted Autumn attend Japanese school on Saturdays.

9. Autumn described Jackson as very funny, always telling jokes and making her laugh.

10. After seeing Jackson, Autumn usually shared his jokes with Sandy.