1. Every morning, he left home dressed in a smart black suit.

2. But exactly how does a newcomer to the stock market go about achieving that?
    但是, 一个股票市场的新手又如何能做到这一点呢?

3. Black.

4. But why is he a black man? Why is he a Negro male with a worn T-shirt and shining eyes? Why is he not a white man?

5. Because Australia's native people and black Africans share such superficial characteristics as skin color and body shape, they were widely assumed to be closely related.

6. We can either dig out some earth worms in my yard or buy some shrimps in the market.
    我们可以到我家院子里 挖一些蚯蚓,或者在市场上买一些小虾.

7. What have you got in the flea market?

8. Who is the woman in the black hat?

9. When he went outside half an hour later, he was astonished to find that the little black lamb was almost white.

10. There is a black and white television set in my family.