2. The boy was cutting a branch of a tree with his knife to make a cane. 这个小男孩正在用一把小刀削一根树枝, 想做根手杖.
3. The snake coiled (itself) round the branch. 蛇(把身体)盘绕在树枝上.
4. The fir remains green all year and its needles are distributed evenly around the branch. 枞树终年常绿,它的针状叶均匀地长在树枝上。
5. The bird took its perch on a tree branch. 鸟儿栖息在树枝上。
6. Those findings, plus the great genetic distance between present-day Africans and non-Africans, indicate that the split from the African branch is the oldest on the human family tree. 这些发现,再加上现代非洲人与非非洲人之间的巨大基因差距,说明了从非洲人种群开始的分支是人类家谱上最早的分支。
7. The most distinctive members of the European branch of the human tree are the Basques of France and Spain. 人类家谱图上欧洲人分支的非常特殊的成员就是法国和西班牙的巴斯克人。
8. Kebba Kanga Fofana said the Kinte clan had originated in a land called Old Mali, and from there a branch of the clan moved to Mauritania. 凯巴·坎吉·福法纳说肯泰家族起源于一个叫作“古老的马里”的地方。从那里,家族的一支迁移到了毛里塔尼亚。
9. And Thumbs Up is a branch of Coca-Cola. 而"顶呱呱可乐"也成了可口可乐公司的一个分号。
10. "We don't push knowledge on them," said the head of a branch of this juku in northwest Tokyo. "我们不是向他们强行灌输知识,"这所位于东京西北的课外学校的部门负责人说。"