1. Britain has allied itself with other western powers for trade and defence.

2. Britain has an unwritten constitution, and the United States has a written constitution.
    英国有不成文的宪法, 美国有成文的宪法.

3. But these early misgivings were not shared by everyone, and, in May 1968, one of Britain´s most eminent cardiac surgeons, Donald Ross, decided to perform the operation on 45-year-old Frederick West.

4. But 46 days after his operation, Britain´s first heart transplant patient died.

5. Britain won't improve its system until after the year 2000, spurring Mitterrand to joke that passengers will have " plenty of time for sightseeing ".
    不到2000年,英国不会改善它的铁路系统,这使密特朗不由地开起了玩笑,说乘客会有 "足够的时间一饱眼福"。

6. When, about 50 years after Hunter´s death, chloroform was first used in Britain, and, only a few years later, infection was prevented with antiseptics, surgeons could do many more operations.

7. The British people live in Britain.

8. The Isle of Wight belongs to Great Britain.

9. The hardest thing about getting into Britain is walking the excessive distances around Heathrow Airport.

10. The debate over whether more police in Britain should be armed with guns has been going on for years.