1. The celebration includes a display of fireworks.

2. The announcement amounted to an extraordinary reversal for Euro Disney, which opened amid immense celebration and widespread predictions of immediate success.

3. In 1929 a great celebration was held on his fiftieth birthday in Berlin.
    1929年, 在他五十寿辰的时候, 人们在柏林举行大的庆祝会.

4. In 1929 a great celebration was held on his fiftieth birthday in Berlin.
    1929年, 在他五十寿辰的时候, 人们在柏林举行大的庆祝会.

5. In 1929 a great celebration was held on his fiftieth birthday in Berlin.
    1929年, 在他五十寿辰的时候, 人们在柏林举行大的庆祝会.