1. Ethanol is more effective at a concentration of 50-70 per cent;

2. Eight patients have survived for over five years, and 70 per cent of all Shumway´s transplant cases live for over a year.

3. But most of all, you've learned what a "7.6 per cent unemployment rate" really means.

4. It requires 97 per cent less energy to travel the quarter of a million miles from the Moon to Earth-orbit than the 200 mile-journey from Earth´s surface into orbit!

5. Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note: ´Only 25 per cent a thief now!´

6. The last note said: ´I am 100 per cent honest now!´

7. Although perhaps only 1 per cent of the life that has started somewhere will develop into highly complex and intelligent patterns,

8. "This doesn't reflect on your job performance; sales are down 30 per cent this month."

9. Around 15,000 families now teach their children at home, a rise of 50 per cent from last year, according to the latest figures.

10. Spirits labelled 95 proof contain only about 47 per cent alcohol.