1. While it's true all of us need a career, preferably a prosperous one, it is equally true that our civilization has collected an incredible amount of knowledge in fields far removed from our own.
    虽然我们所有人都确实需要一份工作, 最好是一份薪水丰厚的工作,但同样确实的是我们的文明已经在远远超越我们各自业务的领域里积累了数量惊人的知识。

2. The dustmen haven´t collected the rubbish yet.

3. There they collected women as well as food and drink, and a life of ease had made them soft.

4. The men collected rainwater in the rubber dinghy.

5. He knew I collected match boxes and asked me whether my collection was growing.

6. Discovering that the minister collected rare books, he bought a rare edition of a book, slipped $20,000 within its pages, then presented it to the minister.

7. Apparently what happened was that water collected on these tar pits, and the bigger animals like the elephants ventured out on to the apparently firm surface to drink, and were promptly bogged in the tar.

8. Acting on a sudden impulse, I collected several dozen, put them in a paper bag, and took them to Robert.

9. Some things are collected deliberately in the home in an attempt to avoid waste.

10. Some things are collected deliberately in the home in an attempt to avoid waste.