1. It requires much time, commitment and discipline to keep up with the flow of the course. 它需要花更多的时间,需要学习者专一、自制,以跟上课程进度。
2. They have an air of freedom, and they have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitions or love of comfort. 他们无拘无束。既不追逐卑鄙的名利,也不贪图生活的舒适。
3. The government promises it will protect the region’s native people, but questions remain as to its true level of commitment. 巴西政府承诺,将保护该地区的土著居民,但人们对这个承诺的可信度仍心存疑虑。
4. They also tend to view themselves and their work as indispensable and their working long hours as commitment to the company. 他们也往往认为他们本人及他们的工作对公司是不可或缺的, 他们超时工作是对公司一种承诺。
5. This usually requires extra commitment by these students. 这常常需要他们加倍努力。
6. There is a commitment and sense of responsibility which have not yet been discarded in this age of machines. 这里面有承诺和责任感,在这个机器时代里,它们仍然没有被抛弃。
7. This commitment does not mean surrendering our total selves to each other; nor does it imply that the relationship is necessarily permanent. 这种承诺并非意味着完全把自己交给对方,也并不是说这一关系一定要永远不变。
8. He is under a commitment to finish the task by May 1. 他应允五月一日以前完成这项工作。
9. He is optimistic that once parents make a commitment to the program, they will be daily role models for their children, unlike parents whose children are in boarding schools. 他很乐观地相信,一旦家长们投入到计划当中,他们就会成为孩子们日常行为的榜样,这一点与寄宿学校的学生家长完全不同。
10. And we feel the company owes a worker something for loyalty and commitment. 我们认为,对于员工们的尽信尽责,公司应予以回报。