1. When you see someone you know, or would like to make contact with, smile. You are showing an open attitude to conversation.

2. While he chatted with other tourists, I exchanged polite conversation in the dark with a man seated in front of me, a Belgian who spoke fluent English.

3. The ride was too bumpy for conversation.
    一路上车子上下颠簸, 根本无法讲话。

4. This is a private conversation.

5. The article bore the headline "Conversation and Confrontation".

6. Their conversation was full of slang.

7. The conversation soon turned to the plan for a general world organization, an idea which Roosevelt had cherished for quite some time.

8. They’re the same whether they're having a conversation, addressing their garden club or being interviewed for a job.

9. To my surprise, the conversation flowed easily.

10. This notion is about to bound into the national conversation, conveniently shortened to EQ, thanks to a new book, Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman.