1. Betty: I´m going to meet some friends, Dad.
    贝蒂: 我打算去看几个朋友, 爸爸.

2. Betty: I´m going to meet some friends, Dad.
    贝蒂: 我打算去看几个朋友, 爸爸.

3. The radio clicked on. Rock music blasted forth.
    收音机 "嘟"地一声,摇滚乐就 "哗啦"地响开了。

4. The plane blasted into the air like a bullet shot out of a rifle, and soon we were at 2,000 feet and climbing.

5. Dad has no misgivings when Mother takes the wheel, because she is an excellent driver.

6. "Dad, we'll worry about that when the time comes.

7. "Dad, are you a racist?"

8. "But Dad, that's harsh," Gail said.
    "不过爸爸,你这话讲得太难听了," 盖尔说。

9. "I like that music, Dad; it's my favorite group — Green Waves.
    "我喜欢这音乐,爸爸。这是我喜欢的乐队,叫 '绿浪'。

10. "Dad" isn't right, either.