2. Between midnight and dawn, when sleep will not come and all the old wounds begin to ache. 从午夜到拂晓, 每当我毫无睡意, 所有昔日创痛开始发作的时候,
3. We must start at dawn. 我们必须天一亮就启程.
4. Their troops were defeated and their fortress was seized at dawn. 他们的部队被击败了, 堡垒也在黎明时被占领了。
5. The story of our calendar dates back to the dawn of civilization. 日历的故事可以追溯至人类文明的初期。
6. Nothing can be compared, he maintains, with the first cockcrow, the twittering of birds at dawn, the sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and pastures. 他坚持认为,凌晨雄鸡第一声啼叫,黎明时分小鸟吱喳欢叫,冉冉升起的朝阳染红树木、牧场,此番美景无与伦比。
7. Dawn was breaking in the eastern sky. 东方破晓。
8. Most boys tried to leave the girl's home before dawn, but a girl's parents usually did not get angry about the night visits. 大多数小伙子会尽量在黎明前离开姑娘家,而姑娘的父母一般来说是不会对这样的夜访感到生气的。
9. Rising at dawn, he works a full day with his regular colleagues and another three hours each evening in special study sessions. 他黎明起床,然后和天天相见的同学们一起学习一整天,晚上还要抽出三个小时上特别辅导课,
10. If it is a fact that the meaning of life does not dawn until middle age, 如果人们步入中年时才对人生的含义有所领悟的话,