1. There have been too many unpleasant innuendoes in this debate and not enough facts.
    在这场辩论中据实而争者少, 含沙射影者多, 令人生厌.

2. They are holding a vociferous debate.

3. The debate was over whether to go ahead with Overlord in the spring of 1944, as the Russians and Americans favoured, or possibly to postpone the invasion for the sake of operations in the Mediterranean, as the British proposed.

4. These accomplishments immediately set off a worldwide debate:

5. The matching process is also complicated by a philosophical debate among housing managers concerning the flavor of university life:

6. The debate over whether more police in Britain should be armed with guns has been going on for years.

7. The identification of even one gene does, however, have immense implications for the genetics/environment debate.

8. His opening gambit at the debate was a direct attack on Government policy.

9. How fast these nations should push ahead is a matter of debate.

10. A conference organized earlier this year brought to London some of the biggest names from both sides of the debate.