1. That was a pretty decent lecture professor Willams gave today.

2. He is a decent fellow.

3. You used to be a decent quaterback.

4. Soapy was freshly shaven, and his coat and tie were decent.

5. Miss: Yes, they´re decent, but they´re decided on the basis of a person´s position and seniority.
    小姐:是的, 还不错.但是薪水的高低是根据一个人的职位和资历决定的.

6. Mattel refashioned the doll into a decent, all-American — although with an exaggerated breast size — version and named it after Barbara, who was then a teenager.

7. It´s on my beat, and I don´t want to run you in if you´re what you say you are, but I should advise you to buy a decent clock, or you´ll be getting yourself into trouble."