1. We can now not only choose our marriage partner, we also can divorce that partner at will, subject children to our own adult worship of happiness, and deny the other parent any regular contact with their children. 现在我们不仅可以选择配偶,也可以任意与其离婚,将我们成人对幸福的崇拜置于孩子的利益之上,也可以阻止另一方与孩子有任何经常性的来往。
2. They deny the excessive time they're devoting to work, and they rationalize that their schedule is for the family and essential to being promoted. 他们否认自己在工作上花了太多的时间,他们自我辩解地说他们的工作是为了家庭,同时对升职也至关重要。
3. He didn´t deny the facts. 他不否认事实。
4. Or I can deny her the medicine, in which case she'll probably die in three or four days. 或者,我可以停止给她用药,这样一来,她可能三四天后就会去世。