1. What is the time of departure?

2. The bad weather delayed the departure of the steamer.

3. Her arrival coincided with our departure.

4. Her sudden departure has disarranged my plans.
    她突然离去, 打乱了我的计划.

5. After her departure, Aunt Harriet discovered that there were piles of empty wine bottles of all shapes and sizes neatly stacked in what had once been Bessie´s wardrobe.

6. "It's not easy to leave behind the people you love, especially a boyfriend. I cried at the departure and I cried on the plane too," says Patricia Caglian.
    帕特里夏·卡格利恩说: "抛下你所爱的人,特别是男朋友, 是很不容易的。我在飞机起飞的时候哭了,到了飞机上还在哭。"

7. On the day before our departure, several bus loads of tourists descended on the town.

8. For many, the departure at the airport is the worst time.

9. Flight 830. Departure 10:45 p.m.