1. Because they destroy so many insects, and insects include some of the greatest enemies of the human race.

2. But there's a vast difference between the breeding programs as practiced by some groups (where the urge to breed certain types of people leads to efforts to destroy other types) and the much more harmless forms already practiced in democratic societi

3. The armament of any of the great powers could destroy civilization.

4. Sometimes I thought I ought to destroy them before leaving.

5. Cattle farmers, miners, and settlers have protested the move and continue to destroy the forests, although at a slower pace than before.
    养牛场场主、矿工和移民们反对这个措施,继续破坏森林, 虽然破坏速度比过去已放慢。

6. I do not doubt that it would be possible to inject ideas into the modern world that would utterly destroy us.

7. I do not doubt that it would be possible to inject ideas into the modern world that would utterly destroy us.

8. It too would destroy bacteria in a test tube.