1. 'Stay away from those trashmen. They're dirty.' I was angry with her. 'They're as good as we are,' I told her. '

2. Without grass and trees and bushes and, yes, dirt and mud to get dirty in, children miss an important part of childhood.
    没有了青草、没有了树木、没有了灌木,还有, 没有了弄脏他们手脚和衣服的污物泥土,孩子们就失去了童年生活中的一个重要组成部分。

3. These are dirty , smelly clothes.

4. The dirty clothes are soaking in soapy water.

5. The dirty clothes were soaked in soapy water.

6. The house was in a dirty state.

7. Now that I saw these places, they looked ordinary, dirty, worn down by so many people entering and leaving them in real life,

8. "Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it isn't dirty," she was fond of saying.

9. Such inns as there were generally dirty and flea-ridden;

10. Since no one wants to do the dirty, uninteresting factory-line work any more, we decide not to.