1. But who would not when, to be with younger people is so often to be invisible, to be treated as irrelevant, and sometimes even as disgusting. 可谁会不喜欢呢,尤其是当他们与比自己年轻的人相处往往使得自己显得无足轻重,被看作不相干,有时甚至会被讨厌的时候。
2. The medicine has a disgusting taste. 这药有另人令人作呕的滋味,
3. The black spume floating on the river is disgusting. 河上漂浮的黑色泡沫令人恶心。
4. The great advantage of taking medicine is that it makes no demands on the taker beyond that of putting up for a moment with a disgusting taste, 服药的最大优点是:除了暂时忍受一下令人作呕的味道外,对服药人别无其他要求。
5. No,I think it is disgusting. 不,我觉得那很恶心.
6. Cutting up dead animals to find out how they are made was thought a disgusting thing to do, and to cut up a dead human body was thought wicked. 当时,解剖死动物了解体内结构被看作令人厌恶之事,而解剖死人的尸体则被认为是邪恶。