1. Except for today, prices range from $6 for a dozen short-stems to $19 for a dozen of its longest stems.

2. Learning and knows no studies beyond servo- systems and distributors, compression ratios and camshafts.
    这些人对学习毫无兴趣, 而且除了伺服系统, 配电盘, 压缩比和凸轮轴便一无所知.

3. Learning and knows no studies beyond servo- systems and distributors, compression ratios and camshafts.
    这些人对学习毫无兴趣, 而且除了伺服系统, 配电盘, 压缩比和凸轮轴便一无所知.

4. The general arts course at the university encompasses a wide range of subjects.

5. The farm breeds a wide range of poultry.

6. The journalists also get a chance to shoot a gun on the practice range; none of it seems that difficult, and we put most of the bullets somewhere on the target.

7. The lights on the range are dimmed and we are stood in front of a large screen.

8. The top performers had a network containing a wide range of people.

9. A color map of the world's genetic variation has Africa at one end of the range and Australia at the other.

10. She runs a retail company with shops in nine cities (16 more are planned), and her products are carried by 25,000 retailers. Annual retail sales are in the $100 million range — all as a result of that fateful, disappointing trip to New York.