1. When it has been decided where we are going to drill, we put up at the surface an oil derrick.
    当钻孔地点决定后, 我们就在那块地面上坚起一个井架.

2. When it has been decided where we are going to drill, we put up at the surface an oil derrick.

3. When a student recently saw two workmen using a pneumatic drill outside his university,

4. The geologist needs to know what rocks the drill has reached, so every so often a sample is obtained with a coring bit.
    地质学家需要知道钻头已达到什么样的岩层了, 所以时时要用取钻芯头那样.

5. The geologist needs to know what rocks the drill has reached, so every so often a sample is obtained with a coring bit.

6. This pressure must be under control, and we control it by means of the mud which we circulate down the drill pipe.

7. And we have to lower into the ground and haul out of the ground great lengths of drill pipe which are rotated by an engine at the top and are fitted with a cutting bit at the bottom.

8. As the diamond tip of the drill revolves, it is lubricated by mud.

9. As the men refused to stop working, the police attempted to seize the pneumatic drill.

10. She did lots of drill in listening.