1. The crowd were swayed by his eloquence. 他能言善辩打动了群众.
2. There were occasions when Churchill would speak for five, six, or seven minutes, while poor Major Birse dashed his pencil desperately over the paper, trying to capture enough words to convey the eloquence into Russian. 有很多次丘吉尔会一连说上五、六或七分钟,这时可怜的伯尔斯少校手里的铅笔在纸上飞速运转,拼命地捕捉词句,想把这滔滔不绝的发言用俄语表达出来。
3. Churchill was much too carried away by his own eloquence to pay attention to his pleasant and excellent interpreter, Major Arthur H. Birse. 丘吉尔讲起话来,雄辩滔滔,不能自休,以致于他很少注意到为他做翻译的友善而优秀的阿瑟·H·伯尔斯少校。